Welcome To Joanne Williams Photography. Welcome To Joanne Williams Photography.
January 19,2025


Newsletter # 90


Green Kingfisher

Osprey with Catfish

Red & Green Macaws

Roseate Spoonbill



13th Annual Space Coast Birding & Wildlife Festival

My Florida Adventure Tours

the Pantanal


This will be my twelfth year participating as a speaker, workshop leader and booth owner during this great festival, and I look forward to once again seeing old friends and, hopefully, making some new ones. I will be leading two In-the-field photography workshops, which if you are interested in joining my group, you can sign up for on-line at: www.nbbd.com/fly. Because of the economy, many folks have been unable to afford tours to such exotic spots as my trips to Africa, Madagascar, Pantanal in Brazil, Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands. Therefore, I am devoting this year’s presentation to what we have right here in our own back yard, titled LOOKING OUT MY BACKDOOR ! This is a fifty-plus-minute presentation/production of images taken here in Florida and other areas of the United States. At the end of this slide program will be a session called “pick Joanne’s brain” where I’ll try and answer any and all questions.


For Fun, Great Photography, or ‘rubbing elbows’ with the local wildlife, scenics and all the fabulous nature we have right here In Our Own Backyard, don’t forget about my personalized, customized-tours; “STROLL WITH THE PRO”, “THE PONTOON PUTT” or my instructional (if you want) photo tours on my beautifully, customized-by-me FOTOBOAT.

2010 Pontoon Putts
Putt #1: April 12th - April 16th, 2010

$1,339.99 All inclusive
(double occupancy)
Deposit: $500
for your immediate reservation
Deposits due Jan. 30th, 2010
Putt #2: April 19th - April 23th, 2010 has already been filled

Tour Includes:
Beautiful accommodations
for 4 nights
All lunches & dinners
All Park Fees & Taxes
Professional Photography Instruction & Critiques Available upon request


During the month of June (or even the middle to end of May) is my favorite time to visit this vast in-land wetland (largest on the planet), because, unlike it’s name, it is pretty dry as the rainy season is over, the floods have subsided, and it is cooler (no bugs). The animals gather around nearby ponds, watering holes and streams making “photo-opps” (or just viewing) them very easy. We spend most of the time on privately-owned cattle ranches and areas that harvest rice which attract hundreds & hundreds of species of birds & other wildlife…. capybaras, caymans, fox, giant anteaters, otters, howler monkeys to name just a few.

Pantanal Tour Info:

June 12th - 26th, 2010

$7950 - Double Occupancy
$2400 - Single Supplement $1500 deposit required to save your spot!

Please contact us if you're interested!

Tour Includes:
All drivers & guides
Tips for all services rendered
Full-board (rooms & meals)
One night drive at each Pantanal lodge
Pontoon boat trips
Bottled water per day
Park Fees
Professional photographic assistance available

Tour Does Not Include:
Does not include visas & any airport taxes etc.
Wine & other extra beverages

All the detailed information and many pictures are on the website: ww.joannewilliamsphoto.com under Safari Tours.



If you are interested in any of my tours, click on their corresponding link below:



Photo Researchers, Editors, and Publishers:

As stated in previous newsletters, at no obligation to you, send me a “want list” of images you are looking for that may coincide with a trip I'm about to take, or have recently taken, and I'll do my very best to seek out that subject and shoot it with your request in mind. This may save you some expense, give me a specific mission and possibly a sale of that image. It's a ‘win, win situation'!

A quick reminder that my library of 35mm original slides houses approximately 75,000 images, and my digital library presently holds over 100,000 (and growing-hourly)!

My website holds an in-depth Stock Shop for your quick review: www.joannewilliamsphoto.com



Photographic Accessories



The Better Beamer Flash Extender

For telephoto lenses from 300mm on up only

$45.00 each

More Info


        Specifications & Functions

  • Reduces battery drain
  • Weighs 2 1/2 ounces
  • Easy to use
  • Fits in your shirt pocket
  • Flash reaches greater distances (about 500 ft.) w/smaller aperture
  • Fresnel lens stays in place with sturdy side-arms

"Keep Your Aperture Your Priority"

Fishing Trawler

Plush-crested Jay

Mottled Duck Chicks

Toco Tucan

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This newsletter is (c) 2005 Joanne Williams Photography.
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