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January 19,2025


Newsletter # 86


Giraffe in Black & White

Armadillo Portrait

Masked Booby

Green-headed Tanager



“Looking Out My Back Door” & “On The Road Again”

Upcoming Tour Plans for 2010

Upcoming Events





During my numerous travels trotting around the globe, I’ve gone down many, many back roads. Some good, some not so good. However, all have had a story to tell. One very powerful observation I have made is the extent of the sense of humor that seems sewn into the fabric of the American culture or character…. more than in any other country I have been to. It shows up time and time again in the most subtle of ways, but one way that has attracted my attention consistently is the subtle humor through mailboxes and signs. An example that I couldn’t photograph but will try to describe as it is a favorite of mine. I believe it was somewhere in Wisconsin (or maybe it was Michigan), there was a standard, conventional-type mailbox by the side of a rather desolate road & marked on this mailbox was the word “Letters” and right next to it was a tall, tall brightly colored pole--maybe twenty-five feet in the air--with a mailbox on top marked in large letters “BILLS”!! Chugging along another back road somewhere in Tennessee we came across this very unique mailbox of a woman’s hand & brightly painted nails holding a cigarette, which doubled as the mailbox. There was no sign advertising this, but I’ve always assumed it was for a nail salon or a cigarette sales woman who lived there!!


Most of us remember our dating days and the drive-in movies. This was Tad’s favorite sign for this trip. We were driving through Idaho when he saw this setup. I was snoozing and missed it, so he went to great effort to turn our big rig around to go back and present ‘his find’ so I could add it to my collection of “road side humor”. Here we have a huge Idaho potato sitting on a rickety old truck announcing the entrance of THE SPUD, a drive-in movie theater. I loved it!!!

Picture a Saturday night with all the gang hanging out, or you are hoping to go out with your favorite “hot” date. Where to? Well, of course to “The Spud”!! Or… “wanna go to The Spud tonight?”






Then there is the scene of ‘toilets on parade’ or the dancing mailboxes.

Obviously the tire store owner had much too much time on his hands, OR, the winters are just too unbearably long out there in that part of the great USA!!

Whatever it is, the good wholesome spirit and sense of humor I came across was extraordinarily refreshing, especially these days. Made me feel very optimistic about the future, which is why I had to share them in this newsletter.





I’m excited with the reports I am receiving back from past clients, fellow photographers and various friends who have made wonderful trips to far-off lands – a few of the destinations being my old ‘haunts’. Not to be ‘out of the loop’ or left behind for long, I have started finalizing the tours to Pantanal, Brazil for June 2010, Kenya, Africa, for August 2010 and the Galapagos Islands early in October 2010. You can easily visit my website and click on the Safari Tours button & see what may interest you and/or hit on Galleries to see many images that you, too, can add to your library, or scroll down the front page for more detailed descriptions of each tour: www.joannewilliamsphoto.com

I’ve left exact dates off the calendar for the moment to wait and see the response for different days, as no one seems to be shy about expressing their preferred dates. Because of that, two years ago I ran two ‘back-to- back’ tours to Brazil so I could accommodate everyone, and did a similar arrangement on trips to Kenya. Be aware, though, that I will have to make a commitment to definite dates in the near future, and it is on a ‘first come first serve’ basis.



The Pantanal, Brazil

During the month of June (or even the middle to end of May) is my favorite time to visit this vast in-land wetland (largest on the planet), because, unlike it’s name, it is pretty dry as the rainy season is over, the floods have subsided, and it is cooler (no bugs). The animals gather around nearby ponds, watering holes and streams making “photo-opps” (or just viewing) them very easy. We spend most of the time on privately-owned cattle ranches and areas that harvest rice which attract hundreds & hundreds of species of birds & other wildlife…. capybaras, caymans, fox, giant anteaters, otters, howler monkeys to name just a few. All the detailed information (other than the exact dates) and many pictures are on the website: www.joannewilliamsphoto.com under Safari Tours.




Kenya , Africa

Dates & other details for this tour have not been finalized, however we will be visiting the Masai Mara Game Reserve, Lake Nakuru National Park, Samburu Game Reserve areas and more. Again, pictures and verbiage giving some details about your adventure (and it is an adventure!) are on the website: www.joannewilliamsphoto.com








The Galapagos Islands

Following Charles Darwin’s route to this unique area of the world is a once-in-a-lifetime stupendous experience. There is no place on earth that duplicates the Galapagos Islands and words hardly do ‘justice’ to what you will see and experience. This adventure will take place in October, and all the details of where you will travel, what you will see and costs are available on my website: www.joannewilliamsphoto.com

Please note, that I have not added the exact dates at this moment as I have special requests for certain dates, but I also must have a total of 15 people to ‘set sail’ and want to try and accommodate everyone.

NOTE TO ALL PARTICIPANTS or “WANNA BE’S”, regarding any of the tours, please do not hesitate to contact me regarding your personal choices of dates etc. If I can accommodate you, or work around your time frames, I will certainly try.



For Fun, Great Photography, or ‘rubbing elbows’ with the local wildlife, scenics and all the fabulous nature we have right here In Our Own Backyard, don’t forget about my personalized, customized-tours; “STROLL WITH THE PRO”, “THE PONTOON PUTT” or my instructional (if you want) photo tours on my beautifully, customized-by-me FOTOBOAT. See website: www.joannewilliamsphoto.com


Upcoming Events!!!





I had entered the 2009 International Juried Photography Competition for the Artists' Haven Gallery and won the Best of Category - Animals/Wildlife for my "Golden Eyes" Leopard photograph.

The Meet the Artists & Awards Presentation is on Saturday, September 5th from 6-9 pm. It is a great honor to be chosen from among over 300 photographers worldwide and I am excited to meet the other artists who will also be exhibited and view their work. Please join me for an enjoyable evening (did I mention it was free?)


The Artists' Haven Gallery is located at 2757 East Oakland Park Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.



If you are interested in any of my tours, click on their corresponding link below:



Photo Researchers, Editors, and Publishers:

As stated in previous newsletters, at no obligation to you, send me a “want list” of images you are looking for that may coincide with a trip I’m about to take, or have recently taken, and I’ll do my very best to seek out that subject and shoot it with your request in mind. This may save you some expense, give me a specific mission and possibly a sale of that image. It’s a ‘win, win situation’!

A quick reminder that my library of 35mm original slides houses approximately 75,000 images, and my digital library presently holds over 100,000 (and growing-hourly)!

My website holds an in-depth Stock Shop for your quick review: www.joannewilliamsphoto.com



Photographic Accessories


Screen Shades for LCD panels on digital Cameras

At last! You can see the LCD panel on your digital camera even on sunny and glary days! Also protects the UV effects of the sun on the screen...$25. each. (add $1.00 for shipping and handling)


More Info




The Better Beamer Flash Extender

For telephoto lenses from 300mm on up only

$45.00 each

More Info


        Specifications & Functions

  • Reduces battery drain
  • Weighs 2 1/2 ounces
  • Easy to use
  • Fits in your shirt pocket
  • Flash reaches greater distances (about 500 ft.) w/smaller aperture
  • Fresnel lens stays in place with sturdy side-arms

"Keep Your Aperture Your Priority"

Flightless Cormorants

Cattle ranching in Brazil

Inside the hole of a lava rock bed

Yellow-fronted Woodpecker

This newsletter is (c) 2005 Joanne Williams Photography.
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