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January 19,2025


Subject: Joanne Williams Photography Newsletter #26
Sent Out On:2005-09-25
Newsletter #26

Fishing on Lake Baringo

Masai Fire Starters

Masai woman & child

Masai women



1. Photos of African Lifestyle

2. Off to the Galapagos

3. Titusville Birding Festival Reminder

4. Panama Tour Signup

African Scrapbook : Telling a photographer --at least this photographer-- not to take a picture is like telling the sun not to come up! My African guides have always discouraged me from taking images of the people and their lifestyles. For years, as I bounced & jiggled along the rutty dirt roads going through the rural towns, villages, and bustling cities with my nose pressed against the van window, I have grudgingly refrained from shooting. My longing to capture on film and share the fabulous colors, and different scenic- lifestyles I was seeing finally got the better of me. The risk to ‘life and limb’ (and camera ) was too great to be able to get out of the van and take a perfectly focused, sharp image…plus, I would loose the spontaneous mood I was trying to capture. As the saying goes; “where there is a will, there is a way” and I found a way. Hope you enjoy this mini-safari, my first attempt at shooting the African lifestyle at 30 mph (or faster)!

Galapagos: In a few days I’ll be getting on a plane from Miami to Quito, Ecuador -- the first leg of my photographic adventure to the Galapagos. I’ll be spending sixteen full days on The Tip Top III, a fully outfitted 16-passenger yacht. Other than enjoying fabulous photo “opps”, my purpose of the trip is to investigate the possibilities of an all-photographers’-trip. Those of you who have been to the Galapagos know how restricted and protected the islands are (which I applaud), and how frustrating it can be to those of us who want to spend more time in front of the blue-footed booby or that giant land iguana sunning itself three feet from our lens! Hopefully, I’ll return at the end of October with wonderful images to share and a good report for another Joanne Williams Photo Adventure! At the very least, a pictorial photo adventure!

Titusville Birding Festival Reminder-- November 16th-20th: Mark your calendars, bring your spouses, significant others and friends. The Festival’s founder & chief organizer, Laurilee Thompson, tells me that this year will set all records for activities, sponsors, trips etc. Check their website for details & on-line signup: www.nbbd.com/fly/ I’ll be conducting three in-the-field workshops and giving a slide presentation “You’re Strictly For The Birds” in the auditorium on Wednesday afternoon and Friday afternoon. Do come and visit my booth… as in years past, I am offering, by appointment only and on a first come, first signup basis only, four (4) fifteen-minute-each private critique sessions free of charge. Neta Harris, the Festival’s coordinator (of just-about-everything!) has kindly given me the same booth location again this year—thanks Neta! You don’t have to be a birder, naturalist, or a photographer to enjoy this great area of Florida. See you there!

Panama Photo Safari March 3 rd thru March 9 th, 2006: A wonderful opportunity to visit, enjoy, and photograph a very special area of the world. For detailed information, visit my website www.natureandwildlife.com or www.joannewilliamsphoto.com. There has been a great deal of interest shown since the final dates were announced and the trip is filling up, so don’t delay if you think this trip is for you!

"Keep Your Aperture Your Priorty"

Masai children

Beasts of Burden 

Masai jumpers

Masai cow-dung home 

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