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January 19,2025


Newsletter # 103


Tiger Heron

Smiling Caiman

Giant Otter

Green Kingfisher




The Pantanal, Brazil
June 2010 Tour
Part I



I’m often asked this ‘impossible-question-to-answer’, “What is my favorite area to travel to and photograph?” As I lead tours to so many fabulous destinations, my best answer is, “where I am at that moment”! I recently returned from an almost month-long visit to Brazil.



Two weeks were spent touring with my clients to various areas of the Pantanal (the world’s largest in-land wetland). We drove the 89-mile, dirt road, the Transpantaneira Hwy, with its 126 wooden bridges, and ditches loaded with wildlife.



Much time was spent stopping along the way to photograph some marvelous critter or scenic vistas as we drove from one private ranch (fazenda) or lodge (pousada) to the next. There were new areas visited (Northern Pantanal) and revisits made to favorite ‘hot spots’ (Southern Pantanal) plus new areas in between.



Our adventures were diverse as we traveled by large motorized canoes, a large double-decker pontoon boat, private vehicles, and with guided hiking into forests (for those interested). Just for the record, none of my tours are strenuous physically as great care is given to the well-being of our camera equipment and to the clients’ comfort. Enjoy these images, which are just a bare few of all that were taken.




If you are interested in any of my tours, click on their corresponding link below:



Photo Researchers, Editors, and Publishers:

As stated in previous newsletters, at no obligation to you, send me a “want list” of images you are looking for that may coincide with a trip I’m about to take, or have recently taken, and I’ll do my very best to seek out that subject and shoot it with your request in mind. This may save you some expense, give me a specific mission and possibly a sale of that image. It’s a ‘win, win situation’!

A quick reminder that my library of 35mm original slides houses approximately 75,000 images, and my digital library presently holds over 100,000 (and growing-hourly)!

My website holds an in-depth Stock Shop for your quick review: www.joannewilliamsphoto.com



Photographic Accessories

The Better Beamer Flash Extender

For telephoto lenses from 300mm on up only $45.00 each

More Info





Specifications & Functions

  • Reduces battery drain
  • Weighs 2 1/2 ounces
  • Easy to use
  • Fits in your shirt pocket
  • Flash reaches greater distances (about 500 ft.) w/smaller aperture
  • Fresnel lens stays in place with sturdy side-arms

"Keep Your Aperture Your Priority"

Wattled Jacana Chick

Whistling Heron

Jabiru Stork

Male Howler Monkey

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This newsletter is (c) 2005 Joanne Williams Photography.
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